Now Actors - Sonny Bristow
Now Actors - Sonny Bristow
Now Actors - Sonny Bristow
Now Actors - Sonny Bristow
Now Actors - Sonny Bristow
Now Actors - Sonny Bristow

Sonny Bristow

A laid back young man who began his journey in the arts by being cast in an RAC commercial in 2018. This lead to additional RAC coverage which left Sonny with a passion for TV and photographic work.
Sonny expresses himself by playing the guitar and recently learning the skills of being a DJ.
Born in the United Kingdom Sonny has lived in Western Australia since he was 3 years old.
Sonny is in High School and training to be Pilot, however, wishes to continue with his extras and photographic work to see him through his studies.

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